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Sunday, 26 October 2014

Family Time!!

Hey Guys!

It's Sundayy! Sunday Funday!

So nearly every Sunday is the tradition where me and my family all congregate around my nan and granddads house and have our lunch/dinner there, but we haven't been going lately due to both my nan and granddad being taken ill and having to go to the hospital, but we got to go today for the first time in about 3/4 weeks and they both are slowly getting better! Now I don't really want to get into detail about why they haven't been well but non of you need to panic but I can assure you, they're okay!

Now, normally we have the normal Sunday lunch with some form of a roast with all the trimmings kind of like something you'd have at Christmas, but to try and get my 3 little cousins to eat a wider range of food, my granddad and nan have been cooking more 'exotic' foods and when I say exotic, I use that very loosely. Like today, we had fish pie and vegetables, but you know when you go to your nans house and she just feeds you and feeds you until you've basically doubled your weight, that's me! God bless my grandparents!!

Words can't actually describe how much I love my family, like I'm being serious. Just getting everyone around the table, talking about how our weeks have been and what we're doing next week, just makes me feel sooo happy to be part of such a large family. Definitely not taking them for granted!

Well sorry this blog has been a short one, but I hope you've all had a wonderful day and I'll see you next time.

See you guys later.

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