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Sunday, 21 December 2014

Officially Winter :)

Hey Guys!!

So, today is officially the 1st day of winter!!! Woop!

Now, although it's not really my favourite season, I still get excited about things like: 

- Wearing layers without sweating like a pig :O
- Drinking endless cups of tea and hot chocolate without being judged ;)
- Christmassey scents <3
- The cold (I know the majority of people loove the heat, but nahh :) )

Am I the only one though who thought that winter was already here and that as soon as bonfire night is over and done with that it's automatically winter?

So I didn't blog yesterday as I thought I'd give myself a little break to try and come up with more blog ideas not only for the rest of the month but also for next month like hauls, advice etc. but if you can think of anything, please let me know in the comments and I'll get back to you. It really would help both me and you, because I don't know what you lot want to be reading as I'm just writing what I think you'd like, but I am enjoying it don't get me wrong :D Also, don't forget to subscribe for more up-to-date blog posts!

So yeah, happy Winter everybody! :)

Thanks guys!!

See you later.

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x <3 x

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