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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Buy + Try... Milky Bath Lush Bubble Bar!

Overall I think that of all the Lush products I've tried over the years the Bubble Bars and every one I've tried I think I've loved tbf and this product hasn't disappointed me. The Lush Milky Bar bubble bar is beautiful.

p.s. the orange bit isn't normally on it, it's just where Brightside bubble bar had rubbed off :'D

As this bubble bar is pretty neutral in the colour department, this would be perrrfect for that bath at the end of a really long day at work. The orange oil isn't overpowering and blends perfectly with the patchouli oil and the cocoa butter soothes and softens the skin. 

With the bubble bar having a silver glitter top on the 'milk bottle' this adds a glamour spin to such a comforting bath product and I would ABSOLUTELY recommend this to anyone!!

Let me know what you think of this product below or on my social media :D

x <3 x

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