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Thursday, 10 July 2014



So my life has been very hectic lately as you can probably tell from my lack of blogging.

*Bad Charlotte, very very bad!*

And I feel like I need to sort of explain myself as to why I haven't been here for 3 MONTHS!!!

If you know me, you'll know that I finished school recently. *Celebratory dance inserted here*And I know what your thinking, why can't she blog more because she has so much time on her hands now she doesn't have to worry about revising or exams and that is very true, but what I've found is that I sometimes struggle to think of things that I can write about.

I mean, I don't have a job so I wouldn't be able to do much shopping with no money so I can't do many beauty hauls etc but I also I don't really know if you want to know about my every day life or if I should start doing vlogging on my YouTube channels.One of my friends has recently passed her driving test and has got a car so we'd go on little adventures together, so would you like to see those? What do you guys think? Please leave a comment.

And that's it. I think...

Please go to my other social media links below to be more updated on my life and we can share little shits and giggles, but no giggles and shits...that would be awkward :/

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/charlotte.jansen.129?ref=tn_tnmn
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/CharJ35
TUMBLR: http://www.tumblr.com/blog/charj35
INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/jansen_xx


x <3 x

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