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Sunday, 28 September 2014

A new chapter!!

Hey Guys!

Now look, I know it's been a while since I did a blog post and I know said I'd be posting more often but because I'm starting a new chapter in my life and I'll want to keep you updated with my journey and hopefully give you an insight into this if you choose to go down the same path as me. Now I know what you're thinking, what could she possibly be doing?


Although I was hesitant at the start to actually go, as I sit here in my new room, so far it's not as erm fun packed as I thought it would be and although I know I've only been here for 24 hours, it honestly feels like ages and I don't know if I like the idea of doing this for the whole 3 years. I know I haven't had any lectures yet and fresher's week hasn't started yet, but after going out last night, I don't think I can keep it up. Don't get me wrong, my flat mates are sooo lovely, but something just doesn't feel right and I really don't like it.

I can remember when I first started secondary school and in my honest opinion, I don't think it was this bad, like I'm literally sitting in my room whilst they go out shopping, it's like I don't feel like I fit in. but I'm not going to quit now. I think I'll see how my fresher's week goes and then my lectures and if I still don't feel like I'm being myself, then I'll have to sort something out.

Oh, by the way, I'm not portraying that this is what university will be like for anyone that's starting next year, but this is just my personal opinion and as I sometimes get social anxiety and suffer from slight panic attacks, I just thought that I'd try it to see if I could control both my anxiety and attacks but I've already had one because we were dancing and everyone was just crowding around me :(

I hope this post has been helpful to anyone out there, or just an interesting read tbh.

See you guys later.

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INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/jansen_xx


x <3 x

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