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Wednesday, 25 March 2015

My Pinterest :D

Hey Guys!!

How's it hanging??

So no work for me again today...just stuck on the chicken noodle soup and lemsip but on the plus side I can catch up with my videos that I need to watch on YouTube :D

Also, I've been reallly into Pinterest lately and if you've never heard of it before it's basically an app that has 'pins' which can be pictures or links to websites or helpful hints etc. and when you see a 'pin' that you like, you can create things called 'boards' in which you store the pins. For instance on my Pinterest one of my boards is called 'Food' and if I see a pin that looks good or has a nice recipe on it, I store it on the 'Food' board and then I can look at it any time I want :)

And because I've had bugger all to do, this has been my life alongside Netflix and eating ;) but the one particular board I've been obsessed with is my 'Wishlist' board. On this board I go onto clothes websites and at the bottom of the item that I really want on their website is the Pinterest button and I can put them on my board with the click of a button :)

Not only is this reeeeallllyy addictive, but sort of motivates me to be more productive and teaches me that if I want something, like a new pair of shoes, I obviously have to work for it :') which doesn't really make sense when I'm at home being ill but I can't help that! haha :) 

So yeahh, if you want to go check out my Pinterest click here and you can even follow me so when I upload new pins onto my boards it will come up on your news feed and you can like the pins or even pin them onto your boards.

P.S. you will get addicted. You have been warned.

Thank you sooo much!!

See you later guys.

x <3 x

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